Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Purple Mystery Yarn

Funny story.

Yesterday I was going stir crazy from being in the house for almost two weeks with a new baby and just wanted to get some sunshine. If I didn't get out of the house I was going to go mad!!
So, I put on the Baby Bjorn, put my daughter's shoes on, leashed the dog, and said, "let's go!"
We walked around our usual way, and I wasn't sure if I needed to go home yet, or if it was okay for me to take the route that would mark a full mile.
I opted to go the mile.

One point five blocks into the mile I come across a random skein of purple yarn on the sidewalk. Just lying there. No other's, no label, no needles. Just yarn.

It's like it just fell from heaven and was like, Here you go! One more for your overloaded stash!

I'm going to make something for my daughter with it since she carried it the rest of the way home;)

My husband says "see, all you need to do is go for a walk if you want new yarn."
haha, right.


Ceci said...

That looks like TLC Amore!


Love that stuff. :)

faryjane said...

thank you!! It does, now I know what kind it is so I can look up how to care for it:)
It is very soft, and in wonderful condition for the side of the road!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what project it was originally going to be....it must have wanted to run away!

Zenknitter LesleyD said...

the yarn goddess was good to ya! LOL I don't think you told me that you found that skein on the sidewalk! LOL :o)