Monday, September 1, 2008

birthday pinwheel

I started on my daughter's pinwheel blanket over a month ago. June 29th to be exact.
I am only 25 percent into it.
I want to make it big enough for her because she's three, but I fear there aren't big enough circular needles to do so with, so off to ebay I go....
I have to have it finished by her birthday which is at the end of this month. And even though I want to work on my Mosey's I've started, and start another Clapotis, and a shrug for my daughter, and a flirty skirty for me...... I must put those aside and finish this one project.
I used to be a one at a time kinda knitter, but I don't know what happened. Maybe it was Ravelry and the unlimited access to all these wonderful patterns that I just cannot resist! Maybe it's the stir crazy stay at home mom in me, maybe it's the need to finish fifty projects by the end of this year... who knows.
All I know is, if I would've waited on the Evangelines, the Pinwheel Baby Hat, the Mug Cozy, the mittens, the bolero, the Clapotis, the Calorimetry, the Christmas Eve Mitts, the three cabled hats, and all three bookmarks, then maybe I would have this darn blanket at least seventy five percent through....
Or maybe I'd be exactly where I am now and just plain bored with it.

All i know is I've knitted fourteen things and can't seem to get half way through this, and this has a deadline.
If I finished the diaper bag that I don't foresee myself using, have even contemplated giving it to my daughter for her dolls, then I can finish the beautiful pinwheel blanket that is taking me forever.
I cannot wait to show it off when it is done. The colors are so vibrant and eye popping, and the striping is lovely.
I just hope that when I do finish it, it will be big enough for her to enjoy for at least two full years:)
And after that one, it's off to one for my son....

The cycle continues. There will always be one massive project in the background, I suppose.


Zenknitter LesleyD said...

I hear ya hun! Sometimes the deadline makes us not want to finish all the more. Sometimes it motivates us. You'll get it done! I'm sure of it. ;-)
Devote 2 hours a day to it do it in 15-30 minute intervals. It does help. I'm one to be talkin though I have like 100 UFO's floatin around the apartment. lol

Ceci said...

haha, I feel your pain! I was a monogamous knitter for YEARS but my evil sister ( finally corrupted me and now I can't ever seem to finish anything.

Hang in there!