Saturday, February 5, 2011

wow it's been a long year

I have been super busy this year, but it has been great! I guess I should say last year:)

My daughter has lost her first tooth, pulled by her daddy:) I am halfway through my associate's degree for Medical Assisting, and am currently holding on to a 4.0. Hopefully this semester won't kill that.

My son is just exploring with syllables. Even though he isn't speaking sentences yet, he's still very delightful to be around because he is full of expression, and between him and my daughter, there is never a dull moment.

Overall I'm happy, and though I've been knitting less this year, mostly due to a stab wound and a broken finger, and arthritis from all the note taking.., I've been making a ton of jewelry, and candy!

So go me:)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009

woe is me.

I know I haven't written in a while, I've been a busy busy bee as far as knitting and jewelry are concerned, however that is not the reason I am here today.

I am formally resigning from doing anything artistic or crafty. All of my stash is for sale. You may view it at and please email me for pricing.

If you are interested in anything I've knitted off of my projects page please email me for pricing. My email is

Even though I love making jewelry and bookmarks and would love to spend the rest of my life doing this, it is a childish dream and is not paying my bills and is doing nothing but making everyone in my family unhappy that I am spending time doing this instead of focusing on them. It is irresponsible of me to pursue these childish endeavors when I clearly can't pay rent for my family. I have decided to step back down on the totem pole and am crossing my fingers for the acceptance of my application I put in at Hungry Howie's (a low end local pizza joint) since they are the only places that are hiring.

I do apologize for resigning as an artist under such short notice, which is a shame because I already have business cards and was on my way to my own website, but I would rather have my family happy and financially secure than keep living in a stupid fantasy that is meant for people with more patience, who aren't still suffering from major depression and anger disorders, and with children older than the age of one.

Also, I will no longer be available for any social outings with my girls that I used to knit with. I owe you an apology for dumping my drama on you all the time. I am sorry for being such a shitty friend, you deserve more than me and my drama!! Knit me something beautiful!:) I love you girls<3

I don't have much of a reputable stash, but I also have stitch markers that I have made, and needles, and patterns, etc. So, hopefully someone else can love and appreciate these things the same as I did, and will actually be able to use them without the guilt feeling of abandoning your family.

I would also like to give out some advice: Don't ever get married and have kids unless you are mentally healthy first of all with all your childhood shit resolved, and unless you are able to give up everything that makes you happy, that makes you who you are. Because your famly deserves every single second of you, and as a mother and wife it's your responsibility and duty to give that to them. If I sound bitter it's because I am but bitter is my middle name so...

The woman who couldn't do it all....

Monday, June 29, 2009

X is not an O is not a kosher situation

If you're not talking
I'm assuming the worst.
I thought we had gotten so close...
now I don't know where I stand.
you are clearly your own man.

Full circle comes around and
I'm not ready.
I'm flailing and falling.
I am obviously not who I thought I was
and was wrong over who I thought I was above.

Obviously I just
don't know anything anymore.

As you were, this was my
weepy intermission intended
to fall upon deaf ears.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Season Change

I have had the biggest funk from knitting lately. I don't know what it is... I just can't bring myself to knit even two rows a day.

I have, however, been cleaning my garden out and organizing clothes, toys, and other random what-am-I-going-to-do-with-this-or-when-am-I-ever-going-to-use-this items. Which also includes cleaning these items. Along with that, I'm spring cleaning, so everything is being washed. It's a poor load on the washer... a lot of heat on the dryer, too. They're really being wrung.

My son is at the stage now where being still just isn't good enough for him. He crawls to the nearest peace of furniture and up he goes on his toes. He's used to being supported though and just stops using his legs. That can turn tragic. He is such a big boy now, though. No more holding him like a baby. This man wants to sit up like the rest of us:)

My daughter is getting more and more vocal about everything, to say it the nicest way that I possibly can. What I want for her is to have a wonderful relationship with her and for her to respect me, not out of fear, but because she dreams of growing up and being me one day. What this will take is a major change on my part, because I am an adult in this situation, and what I've learned from this situation so far is that I have met my match. This goes without saying that my daughter has a mind of her own, she hears what she wants to hear, and is completely fearless. She is a very brave and bold little cutie pie who is completely justified in anything wrong she does, including having a very sassy mouth, but like they say, the apple doesn't fall far, so it's me who needs to change.

My dog now has more freedom around the house being that we've put her pen in the back of the house. She roams the house now more, and i must say, so far I'm proud of her.

My husband built a garden for my daughter because she was constantly digging up things she and I planted together so they weren't growing. She wanted a place to dig, he made it for her, lined it with rocks. It is adorable, I must say. I painted the rock at the head of it. My husband has also gotten into his music a lot more. It's wonderful because he's talented and it makes him so happy, and I love listening to the beautiful music he's created. I do a lot for him. I email his videos to my friends and my musical friends on both Myspace and Facebook. I'm trying to set him up with places to play, but my schedule conflicts with the owners of bar's so that's something he will have to assist me with. He is going to start playing out more. I will miss him, but I want him to do what makes him happy. Besides, though I would love to go to his shows with him, more than anything else in this world, it's good time while the children are asleep to catch up on housework and studying. You would be surprised how messy we can make our house in just a matter of hours. Between my full time job, parenting, spending time with my husband doing photography and listening to his new songs, or watching his new videos, and looking at his new pictures, I don't hardly have time to clean the house. Here recently by the end of the time I do have left over it's a battle between housework or knitting or whatever it is my hobby is on that week.

I made my first etsy sale. I was really excited because I have had things listed on there for a while now, so seeing my first sale was awesome! My friend advised me to put paypal only, and while I thought I should have, I accepted money orders, too. I was so excited to see my first sale!! But now my etsy is set to paypal only. I still sold the necklace, by good will:)

My job is going great. Still no raise, but happy to be employed. I like my job and am comfortable performing a task that would have had me wired two months ago. I think I've come a long way.

I have reconstructed my backyard. Here's a list of things I've made room for so far: tomatoes, carrots, corn, spinach, sunflowers, strawberries, bell peppers, banana peppers, thyme, sage, cilantro, parsley, Rosemary, Basil, lemon grass, dill, poppys, apple tree, peanuts, morning glory's, moon flowers, roses, garlic. Here's a list of things waiting for sunny weather to be planted: cucumbers, lettuce, brussel sprouts, potatoes, and possibly a lemon tree.

I love this time of year:)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Just to Prove to My Husband

that I am saving up for the apocalypse....

Oh, Yummy!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Umm.... I can explain!

Okay, I have been on a knitting frenzy lately (but when am I not.)

I have been so excited over finishing two projects, the Juno Regina and the Double Star Blanket, that I couldn't help but cast on more! I finished the Double Star Blanket and then within the next day finished the Juno Regina. My daughter and I took the Juno to Vulcan Trail for a photo shoot.

After finishing the Juno, I cast on a Barbie Dress with the same yarn because I was at work and had it with me and was itching for the day to go by, and wanting to use the yarn up, and then I realized that I had wanted to use this yarn for the sockettes, and didn't know if I had enough for both, so I have one end knitting the Barbie Dress and one end knitting the sockettes.... so it looks something like this:

Here's my sockettes so far :

I was proud of myself for turning my first heel, even though the whole thing started off with a heel, that I picked up the socks I'm knitting for my husband and turned my second heel on those, which looks like this:
These (both) come to work with me everyday and I work on them in my spare time under my desk, and am cautiously watching through the double doors of my office with my ears perked for a boss's arrival so they can be quickly thrown into my desk drawer and closed. I also make sure to keep a property list up on my computer screen so I can quickly regroup and casually pretend to be "working".

I do frequent ebay and yarn stores during my breaks at work. My latest Ebay purchase is three hanks of Cascade 220 heathers in a purple color. Very beautiful and very satisfying purchase, might I add.... I plan to knit the Aran Cabled Laptop cover with it...

And after much debate over what to spend my $75 LYS(In the Making)gift card from my girlfriends for my birthday I decided to spend it while they're having a sale... Here's my latest purchase of 8 skeins of Berroco Geode in a beautiful colorway:

I brought in one skein and set it on the corner of my desk at work to look at and dream of being off and knitting. I plan to knit a wrap and/or cowl with it. I can't wait! This yarn just makes me so happy in a dorky way:)

I know, I know, don't I have enough yarn already? I was just asked last night by my husband if I was saving up for the apocalypse with all of this yarn... um, yeah! Duh! I mean, if I get caught in the apocalypse, don't I want an unlimited supply of yarn, I'm guessing yarn shops won't be around during that time, and if they are I won't have money for yarn, so I just need to stock pile for that time:)

I started knitting kerchiefs I plan to sell at a local store, and have stitch markers I will sell at my LYS. I have already made jewelry I am selling at a local store for a decent price. I hope it fares well:

I like that they are sets. The chains were tedious to open up and put hoop findings through for the clasps, but I do love the delicacy of the chain.

These are handpainted lampwork fillinger beads purchased from Japan from Ebay.

And so are these:

I hope they sell well so I can make and sell more. The owner of the store did tell me that they were the nicest jewelry there and he hoped they would sell well, but we'll see. I guess that's a compliment?

Besides, I need to sell more of my goods for funds to make more goods!!

We'll see!

Now, off to knit more so maybe I'll have a FO soon....